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We have decided to send in some picks we just took on my 41st birthday. Not sure who's house it was, just thought it would be great for taking pictures. Hope yall like.
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Cute Southern Wife! God, would I be on a long "Nookie Hiatus" if the wife found out I posted these! Would love to know what you think. Leave comments. Might be others posting later. Thanks
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It was late at night. Little Redhead had a couple of glasses of wine and decided to get in the pool. Why take the time to go inside the house to find a bathing suit?
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Me and my sexy bitchy 26 Yr old wife - ruchi, went for a weekend trip to near by hill station. Here is what she has to offer for you guys...
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She loves to go braless all summer. We live in Colorado, so it's the perfect weather for it! Enjoy her new tops- she loves wearing them to the malls, etc.
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We found an old house deep in the forest. Now you can see the results. We hope, that you enjoy the pics. Sorry about ouer bad english.
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Attached you will find some pics of my 29yo wife from Germany. PLease feel free to add them to amateur shots. You can add as well my email-address.